Excerpts from

  "Light of the Eternal"
by Lillian DeWaters

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Chapter 1 - REALITY ITSELF.........................................................................................

Chapter 2 - THE KINGDOM OF THE SELF..........................................................

Chapter 3 - THE ONE ALONE......................................................................................

Chapter 4 - THE GREAT ACHIEVEMENT.............................................................

Chapter 5 - THE PRICE OF GLORY..........................................................................

Chapter 6 - THE PERFECT MANIFEST...................................................................

Chapter 7 - SPONTANEOUS ILLUMINATION..................................................

Chapter 8 - THE RADIANT PERFECT SELF.........................................................

Chapter 9 - THE SON OF GOD.....................................................................................

Chapter 10 - THE INFINITE............................................................................................

Chapter 11 - THE ABSOLUTE.......................................................................................

Chapter 12 - UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER..................................................

Chapter 13 - LOOK FROM WHERE THOU ART................................................

Chapter 14 - FORGIVENESS..........................................................................................

Chapter 15 - FORGIVING OTHERS...........................................................................

Chapter 16 - MYSTICAL EXPERIENCES...............................................................

Chapter 17 - THE ALL OF UNITY...............................................................................

Chapter 18 - OUR BELOVED SELF............................................................................

Chapter 19 - THE GREAT BLISS..................................................................................

Chapter 1 - Reality Itself

The secret of reality is found when we turn from the superficial to Absolute, from the many to the One - from a finite to the Infinite.

If one affirms this or denies that, he is not free. He is not free if he applies the Truth to something which is not real. THE SELF IS FREE AS IT IS. When one perceives this momentous fact, and identifies himself as this Self, he is free.

For nearly a century it has been proclaimed: Change the mind! Change the thought! Change the belief! Alas, what has not been seen is that all such directions pertain to those who believe they have a mind of their own, separate from the Divine. Regardless how many changes are made in personal minds, thoughts and beliefs, not until one identifies himself as DIVINE MIND, will his need of healing and regeneration cease.

Identifying oneself as the Divine—letting go all other identification—spontaneously one comes into possession of Wholeness, Harmony and Blessedness which are REALITY ITSELF.

We are Reality—we are not ideas or expressions of It. The great mistake is to believe we can have knowledge of Truth without being Truth, and that we can be expressions of God, yet not be God. The fact is, whatever is included in the Infinite IS the Infinite.

Deliverance comes through SPIRITUAL REVELATION. It comes as though a door opened into another world where we know Spiritual things spiritually.

Here, in our Real Being, we are the Divine alone.

Attempting to apply Truth to discordant thoughts, things or conditions, by means of individual thinking, binds one to the belief of SEPARATENESS. Let him rise out of this belief first of all.

Instead of studying how to be healed, how to become wealthy and satisfied through means of achieving or overcoming, one 's supreme desire should be to accept Reality alone. In clear, correct teaching, Van Der Leeuw gives his view of Reality, and what is demanded of us, in his Conquest of Illusion as follows:

In our real Being, we are a Reality which has never begun and which will never end, a Reality which is unchanging. We should this very moment pierce through the veil of time and enter Eternity. The depth of the Eternal is in every instant of time, and we shall find it if we shall but abandon illusion and enter Reality. We need not wait for some glory to come, the glory is here now, if we will but realize it.

Here in the world of the Real, in a divine simplicity, we experience ourselves as that Eternity , in the light of which fears and hopes are superfluous. We are freed from the entanglements of illusion with its problems, and from our vain attempt to solve them. We no longer seek immortality. We are Eternal.

Divine Mind is independent of any personal mind, thought or belief. Inevitably, the fact must be faced. The Divine cannot be found by way of DEMONSTRATION. Perfect Divine Mind and imperfect finite mentality can never be unified or harmonized. All efforts in this direction are in vain.

In the Kingdom of God there is no room for a single finite mind; no place for one personal effort; or even the smallest human desire. What a pity that one would remain as outside the kingdom — rather than to remember the lesson of the prodigal son, to humble himself, and abandon the belief of separateness altogether.

The Truth says: "I thank Thee, O , Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast them revealed unto babes." (Luke 10:21)

Like the learned Nicodemus, the wise and prudent are always right in their own eyes, certain about the things of this world — familiar with the latest news of the day, keeping up with the times. But what a price to pay! Continually they think and live as separate beings, outside the Kingdom.

Babes, like “the wise virgins” (Matthew 25:2), are equipped with INNER ILLUMINATION, continually dwelling in Light of the Eternal — enjoying the Peace and Happiness none can take away, because they are REALITY ITSELF.

The Message of the Absolute cannot be put into a system of healing or regeneration. It prescribes no solution for working out problems in a separate, human existence. The Absolute takes us into the Real, where we experience living Reality.

Duality is not here — cause, effect, purpose, sin, sickness nor death. The Rhythm of Being is ours — we are It.

Many are not experiencing Life, radiant and perfect, because they are identifying themselves with a mind and thinking of their own ,— not the Mind of God.

Demonstration has been a great boon, but we must not stop here. We are destined to rise above demonstration altogether, in order to experience Revelation – the prerequisite to REALITY ITSELF.

There is an unfailing way. The Heart—the medium of contact between ourselves and our Reality—is destined to know and comprehend spiritual things. The Divine Promise remains ever-operative: "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God."' (Matthew 5:8)

Chapter 2 - The Kingdom Of The Self

WHO but the ONE can know things as they are? Who but the ONE can be illumined? To be the One—the Real and the Eternal—is our only means of realizing Heaven.

The world one seeks is THE KINGDOM OF THE SELF. Only a personal thinker attempts to create his own heaven. His ways leave him where they find him — in a belief of human existence. Here, in this belief, the illusion of separateness and personal achievement begins and persists.

Entrance into Reality through progressive states of consciousness—which keep one in constant labor and strife—is unachievable and hopeless. Such practices keep one on the threshold where he can but touch the fringes of Eternity, but never find himself IN the Kingdom.

The metaphysical idea that one 's harmony depends upon his individual thinking may seem attractive and practical to those who would improve their human existence through higher states of consciousness. The vital question is: are we living in Real Existence now or are we living in a relative existence which we can alter by our thinking? What is the difference between Real Existence and relative existence?

When we recognize and accept Perfect Self and Being to be the only Self-hood there is—and identify ourselves as this Selfhood—we are living in Real Existence now. Our experience is spontaneous Consciousness. Thoughts of a human self and human existence do not come to us here.

When one does not accept Perfect Self and Being to be the only Selfhood there is—and does not identify himself as this Perfect Self, inclusive of Perfect Consciousness—apparently he lives in another state called human, finite or relative existence. Here, in the relative, both good and evil appear — right and wrong, life and death, personal will, personal mind and thinking.

No real war exists to correct human or material existence. Any self-created harmony in material experience is as unreal as relative experience itself.

One may be happy in a dream, yet the dream itself be naught. All systems and mental practices of healing deal with human or relative experience.

The Absolute deals with the Real, the True and the Eternal. The Absolute identifies us as Spirit, Life — the Self-existent and Self-complete. The Absolute identifies us as Light in which is no darkness at all; as Harmony in which is no discord; and as Life in which there is no death.

How can we escape the experience of sickness and death unless identified as That which cannot be sick or die? That which is Eternity Itself? To make such identification, we must of necessity confess Divine Consciousness, Divine Being and Divine Existence to be the ONE and the ALONE. This means that we must take leave altogether of the belief that there is something about ourselves which is personal, something which we must change, heal or purify.
The remedy which metaphysics prescribes is the silencing of human discord with Divine Harmony—though retaining the belief that one is now living as a human being in a human existence. The Absolute—identifying us as the Real, the Perfect and the Eternal now—spontaneously reveals our existence as in the Real world now.

Wholeness and Harmony—the Real and Everlasting—can never be demonstrated in a human existence.

Wholeness and Harmony are realities of the Spiritual Real World, belonging to us in Real, Spiritual existence only.

Identified as INDIVIDUAL CONSCIOUSNESS, one cannot see, hear or understand the language of Spirit — the Real, the True, the Absolute. Individual consciousness can never be raised to Divine Inspiration and Understanding, despite ambitious effort to the contrary.

From the standpoint of the relative view—which includes the belief that there are two states of existence, the Spiritual and a material—one considers consciousness and what it is conscious of. With mental treatment, he strives to bring the state of the Real into his human affairs—to synthesize the Spiritual and the material, the Perfect — Real and the imperfect — unreal.

Alas, many discover their most heroic attempts in this direction prove futile and end in failure. If only they would see that this is their SIGNAL to let go the belief that they can apply the Truth of the true World to the imperfections of another existence!

"The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other." (Galatians 5:17)

"Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God." (Corinthians 15-50)

If only one would turn completely from the world of mind [flesh] — how soon he would hear the Voice of Spirit, and Its words of living Truth!

The instant one stops struggling with the ghost of separateness, and identifies himself as the Real alone, that instant LIGHT glows within his Heart — the Heart which has been the unknown to him, lo, these many years.

New Hope, new Faith, Love and Peace now steal over him like a soft, cool breeze after a scorching day. He does not need to know how he finds himself drinking of living water, even though until now he has been unaccustomed to it. It is natural.

Soon he is knowing Reality without thinking personally — a thing he never before believed possible. Instead of accepting a finite existence—which destines him to spend his days in overcoming, creating, destroying, becoming—he now aspires to realize more of Life in its Reality, more of the Self in Its Beauty — Love Purity.

I AM the Eternal Self, Absolute, Omnipotent — established from Eternity - Pure, Whole, Free. The Self is all there is of me — my Mind, World, Body, Existence. Perfect, Glorious Self-hood is my full and complete Reality, taking care of Its infinite Manifestation always. Its government is Everlasting, Secure, Perfect, Intransmutable. It is totality, the Forever One as All

No linear measurement is Here, no spatial distance. The end is as the beginning; the farthest away as close as the nearest at hand. Every Identity, Creature and Thing is the Life and the Existence which is the One as a Whole.

The One Supreme Being is the Manifest, and the Manifest is the One Supreme Being. No differences are here, no separateness. The ONE is everyone and everything, and everything and everyone is the ONE, in ever-abiding Love, Rhythm, Glory.

Identified as this Consciousness, it is as though we had never imagined ourselves elsewhere, and had never attempted to impersonate another. Our Love, our Faith, and our Heart 's devotion do not deviate from this One as our very Self Itself.

Self-Illumination, such as this, is ours—not as though It were One, and we another—but by virtue of the fact that I AM this Consciousness, in Its entirety and fullness, here and now.

I AM all of Mary - I AM all of John.

There is no personal ego at al — no personal thinker, no personal thinking, no personal body or personal existence.


Perfect Consciousness — God — cannot be sick, ignorant, grieved, in danger or limitation. Confine yourself to Reality Itself. Instead of praying for or giving a treatment to a certain "Mary" or "John " accept no mind no being but God. You will then realize treatment to be superfluous. You will lose every vestige of doubt and fear. You will BE the Self, seeing and knowing the Self.

When we sit in light, we are not in darkness. When we identify ourselves as the One-Being, we no longer think as a separate consciousness. We are Reality which is — GOD.

  "Light of the Eternal" by Lillian DeWaters

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