Excerpts from

  "Greater Works"
by Lillian DeWaters

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THOSE who are prepared for these days await them with Praise and Thanksgiving---and joyous Expectancy. To us, the question is not if God is on our side, but are we on God’s side? How shall we know? Very simply. Do we have continuous Light and Illumination in our heart? Do we have Love, Unity and Freedom? Let each one answer these questions for himself.

When one turns from human and mental help to God as the One who is ALL, spontaneously he enters into Spirituality, Reality, Oneness. On the side of PERSONALITY -one identifies himself as a man, a mortal, a human being living in a human existence. Here there are many ways of self-healing; many minds to be changed through self-thinking. There are many works, demonstrations, doctrines; many leaders, many followers. There is confusion, labor, disunity, strife. On the side of SPIRITUALITY---- we have Illumination, which is our Completeness, Wholeness, Harmony and Supply everpresent. Day after day, we are filled with New Light. Night after night, we enjoy sweet Peace, Security and Rest. Not only is it possible for us to receive the guidance of angels, but to see them as well.  “He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” Psalms 91:11.  In the Realm of Illumination, all these things are possible: “for with God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37.

When we know the Truth about God, it is God in us knowing the Truth about Himself! This relieves us of all personal sense. It is hard for one to know the Truth about himself, because it is himself that he is thinking of, instead of GOD. God’s ways are perfect. They are in continual operation. His sight is never dim. God supplies Himself from out the infinitude of Himself. God is ALL to Himself. Himself is all there is of ourselves! God is Mind. Mind can never be deprived of Itself. God is Love. Love cannot divorce Itself. The place whereon we stand is the place where God Is. God is His own Safety, His own Security, His own Peace. Everything in Himself is fully held by Him. His whole Universe of Perfection and Completeness is in Him, and He in It. God is His own Illumination, His own Revelation, His own Heaven.

We have always been God, for God is ALL there is. One becomes aware of this fact only as he stops serving other gods. Spiritual Discrimination reveals thinking to have been the very reason for our sleep. Love for the One as the Whole of us shall be our awakening. Here, we are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit; we are not of this world, but of the Kingdom. “Ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you.” Romans 8:9.  “My Kingdom is not of this world. John 18:36.

We live where our Illumination lives --- in Spiritual Light, in Spiritual Love, in Spiritual Freedom, in Spiritual Wholeness --- in Spiritual Existence. We know about GOD --- who He is, what He is, where He is. We know about CHRIST --- who he is, what he is, where he is. We know about Us --- who we are, what we are, where we are.

We know the ALL to be ONE, and the ONE to be ALL. We know this because we are emptied of mental ways --- wherein there is no Self-Illumination. We know that our God whom we love continually, He will deliver us!

Self-Knowledge has always been the theme of the Illumined, who know and teach God and the Self to be One. As long as one believes himself to be separate from God,he will remain mortal to himself. Sooner or later, everyone must release himself from a hypothetical mind of his own, and turn unconditionally to God---identifying himself with God alone.

Mental practice pertains to personal minds, thoughts and conditions. Mental practice relates to a separateness which does not exist. Therefore its curative ways of personal mind and thinking are temporal at their best, contributing a more comfortable human existence to some, but bearing no relation to the Self-existent and Everpresent things of Spirit. Holding oneself separate from the One, even by a hair’s breadth, is not close enough to Him who is our very Life Itself. Nothing is close enough but for us to be the One! Scriptures of all nations denote the word Oneness to mean --- I AM.

Today many are rushing hither and yon for the way to a security, a peace and refuge from fear and suffering. Man turning to man. Man consulting man. Man treating man. Man healing man. Man fearing man. Man killing man. “They know not what they do.” Luke 23:24. Personality is a loom in which illusions are woven. “What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mat. 16:26.  Our safety is in finding God within our own heart. Seek no other way.

If one does not identify himself with the Infinite One alone, then in his darkened, sense he sees another world which he wishes to have made over. Any vain attempt he makes to demonstrate over sickness or to destroy the evil he sees about him is but part o f the veil he has put over his heart. When the veil is removed, he will see clearly.

The Spiritually Illumined, knowing the nature of Eternal things, do not seek for Peace and Security among the fleeting things of man and mind. They know the things of the Real to be everpresent, undefiled and undefilable. They know that God is ALL. They know that ALL is God. If one is devoid of Spiritual Discrimination, he fails to distinguish between mental practice, which concerns. itself with personal minds and personal thinking, and the Absolute Way, which requires our renunciation of personal mind altogether, and our identification with the One-Mind alone. “We have the Mind of Christ.” 1 Cor. 2:16.

Personality is disunity, iniquity, greed, distrust, diabolicalness, strife, fear. Synonymous words denoting separateness are the following: carnal, mortal, mental, human, material, mesmerism, mortal mind, devil, evil, hell. The word mental pertains to assumptive individual minds alone-—their ways, doctrines, methods and practice. The Way of the One-Mind is the Way of Christ--- surrender of the personal for identification with God alone --- I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.

Darkness shall continue to appear in one’s world until he surrenders personal ego and makes place in his heart for the living Truth. Mental practice prolongs human bondage. It gives power to man, when he has none.  “Power belongeth unto God. Psalms 62:11.  There is nothing mental in God! Freedom begins for one when he surrenders human thinking, and in meekness and humility makes room for Christ-Light. Then he enters the joy of the Self. The shining Light within him is his almighty Power, his everpresent Peace and his imperishable Glory.

Personality is loyal to personality. It authorizes its own works. It is its own authority. Christ and personality cannot dwell together. CHRIST IS ONENESS, ALLNESS, COSMIC LIGHT, PEACE AND GLORY.

No one can heal an unreal thing. No one can change an unreal mind. No one can obtain Heaven as an acquisition or translate human thinking into the Mind of Christ.

Those who have not yet identified themselves with the One-Mind as the only Mind there is now or ever shall be, keep clamouring for greater healings ---tangible proofs of what their minds can do. A sorry web one weaves when once he believes that of himself he can do anything! He should let go such vain ambition altogether, and looking toward the Eternal Heights, glimpse Eternal things. Healed bodies, regenerated human beings, psychoanalyzed minds are unknown to God. How inconsequential the gain of any demonstrated thing in human existence, compared to the Richness, Fulness and Brightness of Spiritual things revealed to us in Spiritual Existence. “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”  Romans 8:31.



LET no one entertain the mistaken belief that the Absolute Way does not provide the way of escape from sickness, sorrow and limitation. True, it does not do so by way of any mental practice, but by the Way which is entirely apart from it---the Christ Way --- I AM. The mental may have its word for those who want merely a healing of ills, but for those who are of the Spirit --- and will take no lesser way---the mental holds no meaning.

The Spiritual Way to Harmony and Wholeness is the Christ Way --- the Way of the Absolute. Here we come to God! Through Inner Illumination, we are instructed of God spiritually. We receive Peace, Light, Glory. Discords vanish as shadows. Not only are we freed of them, but our gain has been for Eternity, since we have been quickened by the Love and the Light of Spirit. We know God to be every-thing that is needful, good, pure and complete. God is our Mind, God is our Life, God is our Fullness and Completeness right here and now. We have need of no other help than Omnipotence within us.

Spiritual Illumination is “Christ in you” Co1.1:27----your only true and perfect Way of escape from world tribulation and bondage. Spiritual Light in the heart, uplifting and glorifying us, plants our feet in the Spiritual world now. Here we are free, not by means of any mental healing, but by virtue of the fact that our Purity and our Wholeness is the Christ-Self. Wisdom and Knowledge are here, the riches of Understanding, Life that is glorious, and Peace that is permanent and enduring. “In Christ shall all be made alive.” 1 Cor. 15:22. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” 2Cor. 5:17.  The mystery of the indwelling Christ is revealed----it is our own Inner Revelation! It is our own Light! The Light which comes to us from within ourselves is Christ Light! This Light is neither of personality nor mentality. It is of God. It is of Spirit. It is of the Self.

The Absolute Message is not private doctrine, personal discovery or self-styled mental practice. It identifies itself with self-surrender and the reidentification of ourselves with God through Spiritual Light within us. Bibles of all the nations are unanimous in their recognition of the steps one must take from personality into Spirituality, from bondage into Freedom, and from things of the perishable and mutable into Life ever-lasting, as follows: 1--- In the heart alone can we find God. 2 --- Surrender of the personal; self-renunciation. 3 ---Identification with God through Spiritual Light.

Spiritual Light and Illumination can be experienced by all who turn from personality to God. Mental ways are limited to personality --- never could they become universal. Christ and mental ways are contrary the one to the other. One is of God, the other of man. Christ is not mentality, personality or practitioner. Christ is the Light of God within our own hearts. Therefore, there can be Oneness in Cosmic Christ alone. Personality is the Adam-man, the mentality-man. Christ is the Spiritual Identity of all who are re-born, and have identified themselves as the One who is All, and the All who is One.

Beloved, seek no personal fame. Exalt no personal name. The Name - I AM - is our real Name from Eternity. Trace not your origin back to Adam. In Adam all die. Our immunity lies in Oneness alone. World chaos is the struggle and strife of personalities and mentalities. These are days of tribulations foretold for those who do not identify themselves - as the Divine Mind alone. Every way of personal man is doomed to perish. The “falling away” 2 Thes. 2:3 has already begun. God is not mocked. I AM “the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people. Saying with a loud Voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters .. . Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy Name? for Thou only art holy; all nations shall come and worship before Thee.” Rev. 15:4

In order that we be entitled to Truth, we must have Truth in our heart. In order that we live in the realm of the Real, we must have purity in our heart. If we humbly and earnestly love the Real and the True above all else, and long for It with our whole heart, suddenly we shall find ourselves in It, and It in us. Then shall we know that we never left It, regardless of the seeming. Christ is our own Inner Light, our Power and our Glory. Christ was the joy of Jesus. Christ was the Light of Jesus. Christ was the Power of Jesus. Christ was the Glory of Jesus. Christ was the Victory of Jesus, The same joy, Light, Power, Glory and Victory which Jesus possessed belong to all who stop trying to be someone of themselves. In the presence of our humility, personality vanishes. We are the One alone.

There are not two worlds---the Spiritual and the material. There are not two identities of us---the Spiritual and the mortal.

The one-world is THE KINGDOM OF GOD. The one-identity of US is THE CHRIST SELF. As we die to the unreal, and desire the Spiritual and Real of us alone, we find the heavenly City of God to be within the depths of our own heart. Our heart is the seat of our love, devotion, purity, perfection, wisdom, sincerity, faith, trust, fidelity, tenderness, heaven. Those who would realize the Reality of themselves must turn aside from the world, and from all personal teaching, and seek Truth within---in the heart. Here is Safety, Peace, Security, Wholeness, Bliss.

Where is our heavenly Father? In our heart. Where is Christ? In our heart. Where is God’s throne? In our heart. Where is the Kingdom of God and the Peace that passeth understanding? In our heart. Heart, love, devotion and purity are identical in meaning. Illumination, Light, Inspiration, Intuition and Revelation arise and abide in the pure in heart. Here is our freedom from fear, struggle and strife. In this Light, we are lighted. We are without fear or trembling. This Spiritual Light within us is our All-powerful and All-mighty God at hand ----ours for Eternity. Fear, doubt, gloom or suffering cannot remain when the Light of the Eternal glows within us.

Our Perfection, Wholeness, Peace and Security cannot be demonstrated or brought to pass by any mental practice. They are REVEALED to those who cast out personal ego, and so see by the eye of Spirit. Darkness cannot dwell in light --- likewise ---- when we lay down the personal self, and with all-absorbing love and devotion desire the Divine Mind alone, shadows of darkness leave us. We ask no one to prove Truth to us. With the shining of the heavenly Light within us, Truth is Self-evident. Shadows cannot linger in the radiance of our Love. Without this purity of heart, one’s world cannot be free of discord and dissension.

Purity alone makes Illumination possible. We must give ourselves wholly to It, if we would receive the fullness of Its Presence. The purer our love, the greater is our Light, and the more perfect our Freedom. Then the veil is removed, and we experience Reality Itself.

“Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?” Psalms 2:1 asks the Psalmist. Because they identify themselves falsely with that which is of naught. While one fights his thoughts with his thoughts, while he identifies himself with things of the unreal, a veil or mist covers his heart, so that he cannot see clearly things that are Real. Never can mental practice take one into the depths of his Being, yet here is where he must go---into unknown regions of himself. He must reach until he finds that place within himself which is called the within---the heart. This Way is for those alone who are inwardly drawn of God, who believe that God is, and that to God be-longs the Power and Glory, Perfection and Peace of the universe.

Stopping all struggle and effort ---making unconditional surrender to the Eternal One ---suddenly, like a wind which comes, yet no one knows from whence, the Presence is with one, round and about him. Bathed in Light of the Eternal, he is no longer himself ---he knows that God and the Self are ONE.

There is a spiritual myth of India which contains deep wisdom and light. It tells of a council of the gods at which it was purposed to invest man with deity. A debate arose as to how it might be entrusted to him without his misusing it. One suggested that it might be buried in the depths of the sea, so that he would not easily find and abuse it. Another advised to place it on the most inaccessible mountain top. Finally the supreme head of the assembly declared that he thought of a place where no man would think of looking for it ---in the deepest chambers of man’s own heart.

Our Christian Bible contains the same Message in the following quotations:

He hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. . . . Eccl. 3:11.  Ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.” . . . Jer. 29:13.  I will give them a heart to know Me.” Jer. 24:7 ... The pure in heart shall see God? Mat.5:8.

One’s failure to find the true God, and Eternal Life, keeps him separate from the Infinite, Indivisible Selfhood---as though he were outside of It----where everything appears to him to be perishable and changeable, including himself, his mind, body, thoughts, world and experience. Therefore to experience living Light, one must glimpse it in such a way as to inspire him to desire God, his Real Self, beyond all else.

How far away from one is his heart? Only so far as he has turned from it. Our Real Self and our Real experience is right at hand, if and when we can see and take It by our Spiritual approach to It, our Spiritual perception of It, and our Spiritual abidance in It. Therefore, instead of attempting to build up his personal thinking, one should be deliberating how he can cut himself off from it altogether---and so escape the inevitable doubt and fear, sickness and death. He should be pondering how he can find That which is Unconditioned, That which is Absolute, Pure. When he comes face to face with That, then he knows the Truth. Then he knows that GOD is ALL! Then he knows that ALL is GOD!

The Absolute or Christ Message reveals the Way to Life, without death; to Heaven, without personal achievement; to Health, without healing; and to Happiness, Harmony and Peace, without practice of mental cause and effect. Spiritual Perception of the Real convinces us that preparation of the heart is the only prerequisite to fearless Freedom and Spiritual Peace. This is the very reason why those trained in metaphysics find the understanding of the Absolute so difficult of comprehension ---they know little or nothing of the heart. They have been taught that each has a mind of his own, and that with this personal mind he can know the Truth; he can heal thought, body and conditions, for himself and for others.

The Absolute is not concerned with minds that are not real. The Absolute is the Truth Itself. It stands alone. It is the One Mind, the only Intelligence there is of anyone.

"Greater Works" by Lillian DeWaters

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